Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dani + Zach = AWESOMENESS!!

So in my 31 years of existence I haven't won the lottery, been to Spain or even been in a relationship that I can say I wanted to work so hard on, until tonight! I figuratively didn't hit the lottery, but I have Dani, who is priceless, didn't make it to Spain, but took an awesome river cruise that felt like being in a foreign land and the relationship is just beginning to bloom into what I can honestly say something that will go into the history books. Some might read this blog and say WTF was he talking about. Well that is that factor that since you were not there you will not understand. Only one person will truly understand all this rambling.

They say when you know it you just know it. Well from my eyes and heart I now know it, its not so much an it as it is a she, Dani. Someone that completes me, likes fainting goats, likes brother Bush and best of all makes me possibly the happiest guy on this planet. Like I said before, why would a guy every want to write his feelings down, especially for the whole world to read and poke fun or laugh at or even be jealous of. Well that reason is because I have someone to consume my time in the positive way that I want to write about. We may be shy when we are face to face, but I have this way to express myself. I know she will understand all this that I am writing.

I can honestly say that I have not wanted something so much in my life as where I am right now in life. Our little conversations that we are able to freely talk openly about anything is just wonderful, I actually look forward to talking with her, I want to hear what she will say next and look forward to her making fun of how I say 'friend!' :)

I know this song is not exactly the most upbeat song, but I know you will understand this lyric from it:
I'm not scared
'Cause I know there's something out there waiting for me
And I swear that I'll find it someday, just wait and see

For me that couldn't be any further from the truth, because you are that something, you are that someone that isn't waiting for me, you are here!!

I'll leave you with these, what I would call pretty awesome words: 'To infinity and beyond!!' That is what I see this thing we call us and the future. Until next time... see there even taking something she says and using it for my own :)

1 comment:

  1. By definition (in my terms), the lottery is gambling and winning an absurd amount of money, or "loot".... a game of chance. We have won that lottery!!!!!!!
    For every person who read this and says "WTF???" I say to them... "Aww. It's okay. You don't understand. Maybe someday you will."
    You can't make this stuff up, Zachary (I get to call you that!). Fainting goats... "W", Halestorm, red dirt..... everything that we have in common. You can’t make this stuff up!!! Know why? Cause it's real. It's me. It’s you. It's us.
    Write it down now, because this WILL be written into stone, into those history books!! Honestly, yes, I've been jealous of the relationships of others... but my time... OUR time, has come!! Let's own it. For every person out there reading this and says something to the effect of "get a room" or "gag me with a spoon".. I say to them, "Please do not hate... your time WILL come... I've waited so long to have someone so amazing in my life.. be patient and have faith..."
    I, personally, have always said "when you know, you just know".... and maybe I said that to appease someone, to help a friend through a rough time.... but now I can honestly make this statement without fear, dishonesty, or regret. It's true... When you know, you just know.
    Will we disagree? YEP!!!! Is that normal? YEP!! but at the end of the day, we'll know what we have and that everything will be ok. I'll "suck it up" (don't take offense to that) and say I'm sorry sweet Zachary.... and maybe you'll take your turn and do the same. Maybe I shouldn't post such personal opinions/expectations, but then again, I'm an open book. This is me. The point is, life is real... I hope that we have our fairytale. I really do.
    I *love* how you say "friend"...!
    Let those who are clueless hate or judge. FTW... there are only a few people who count. And yes, I AM here!!!!!
    "To infinity and beyond...!!!" That could be a theme, you know..? Since we're both kids at heart!!! ;)
    xoxo ~D
