Thursday, June 30, 2011

The First Date... 15 years later

So on Friday I will be going on what seems like the most exciting first date I have been on. And I am 31, haaaa. This one is far overdue. The woman that will accompany me is someone that well deserves a grand night that will be ahead of us. From my last blog talking about her to this one, she is really doing a number on me as how I am feeling. I have never done this before, that is write about my experience with a single date, little alone an individual such as her. This just has all the makings of one of those sappy Hollywood movies that I am not a fan of, but with this being my life I am totally caught up in the moment. I have not been this happy maybe ever! Just the time that I have dedicated to putting this date together is more than I have in the past. It is something that I have wanted to do, but never have. Well never say never, because it will be happening. And I can only hope that she enjoys this experience as much as I will. I told her the other day it feels like the prom as I am cleaning my car and doing all that number. How crazy is all this? Putting so much effort into a first date with someone I have not seen in roughly 15 years. Some might call me crazy, I call it a once in a lifetime opportunity for us. And I am making sure that I do everything right one this occasion. I mean nothing will be perfect, but I know in my heart I am doing my best. Wow, I know in my heart, what am I some kind of sissy? Haaaa I would say this woman has something over me that NONE have had before. And that is my full attention to the future and what it hopefully holds in store.

I mean I use to listen to music all the time, now when a song comes on, I am like wow that is some pretty powerful stuff in those words. Its funny how I make fun of some of the sappy love songs or movies, yet I find myself really relating to them now more then ever in certain ways. That is why I love music, it is so powerful and it just speaks to you in ways nothing else can. So the music part was a little off topic, it still plays its part in this whole wonderful thing called life and new experiences.

I truly cannot wait for Friday night to roll around, I mean I am acting like a kid again. And that is the best part, because I don't want to grow up and I have a feeling she doesn't either (well she can't literally grow any taller ;p) hehe I think that is another great thing is how we just connect and can really just be ourselves and poke fun at one another, yet in a tasteful, playful manner. I am so ready for this, the date the future the unknown, everything! So to the date and to the future of what is before me and of course her, I have two words for you.... Bring It!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

What if...

So its not even been a week since I was skimming through the world of Facebook and looking through the people you may know section. It seemed like the photos just went on and on for as long as the eye could see. Saw many people I have meet along this journey called life, some I don't care to reconnect and others I do share the thought of 'how you been doin?' since the last time we spoke. And then there was Dani!!

Like I said it hasn't been a full week since I sent her a friend request and much to my delight she accepted. When she reads this for the first time, she didn't know but I too Facebook creeped her background and photos to try and get a quick 15 year update since we last saw/spoke to one another. I hope you are laughing here knowing you did the same thing, haha. Next think you know she posted something on her page and I committed about it and a few quick messages back and forth it went. Then she posted I guess what one would call a rant, so I asked her what it was all about. That is when she sent me an actual message.

Rewind 15 years ago. Once upon a time in what most of us know it as El Ghetto! I lived there for several years and went to school as well. Can't honestly remember the first time I saw that face of hers, but lets just say it sure has left a mark on me as when I saw it again for the first time nothing changed from that wonderful smile. This girl that I knew from school age time that went by Danielle. How time has passed, she has grown up into a beautiful woman with that same great smile and so far from what I can tell is one of the greatest attitudes and charisma that I know, now is Dani. I just like the sound of that. Call me a school boy that seems to just had his first kiss, I really can't stop smiling and we haven't actually meet face to face yet.

I would say this just feels right, something about this feels different then my past. I guess I am having a new outlook on life and truly thinking of all the good things that life has to offer, as opposed to just saying that. So this women that I had a crush on many years ago and I was to shy and nervous to gum up the courage to ask out, I guess that is where my maturity has come into place. I am not missing this opportunity. They say the good things only come around once, well I feel as the good Lord as truly blessed me on this occasion with a second chance. So just in a days time we sent quite a few messages back and forth and then I even hinted around about going on a date. Wasn't sure what I was expecting, but she one upped me and surprised me with saying later in our conversation, why did you what to ask. But when I did and she said yes, I can't tell you what that meant to me. Not to mention that, but she also confessed and said she had a crush on me back in school. Just like my favorite musician sings about in his song, Funny The Way It Is, truly how funny it is that this whole situation has blossomed from middle school crushes to our first date some 15 years later.

I know the outcome could be anything. This I can tell you that I am ready for this opportunity, the sky is the limit and only I can make this not happen if I chose too. For once when they say you just know it and it feels right, well to me I am there. The past 4 days of our conversations has put more smiles on my face then many past conversations of many of the past before. I think after reading this she might get a sense of just how I am feeling about this opportunity, I mean first I was emaling a friend who lives in AZ telling her all about you today and how much she would like you, because you just fit in perfectly and secondly I am here in bed when I should be sleeping, blogging about you. That right there is a first!!

If this doesn't scare you off then I would say its pretty safe to know you truly are a great person, one that I want to get to know better and just live life!

So heres to you Dani, enjoy and I hope that you get as much enjoyment out of reading this as I did writing it as it is nothing but the truth.