Monday, December 20, 2010

The first of many regarding the world of dating...

I have many thoughts that pop into my brain, but as a single man a lot typically deal with the game called dating! I will not lie I have in the past and currently do online dating. I have used the free sites, the ones you pay for and heck even facebook. This first RANT in a line of many is about online dating pictures. You might ask yourself, why pictures? Well many of us say that looks either don't or do matter when looking for that opposite sex. So of course when you do online dating you hope to at least see who you are contacting and vise versus. Upon many hours of extensive research of the opposite sex on these sites it amazes me on how many women out there have photos that 1. are several years old, 2. more changes of looks then a victoria secrets model during a course of a show and lastly fuzzy pics!! I mean every single picture is fuzzy, you can’t take one clear picture so we can see what we are working with? I mean yes it works both ways, I am sure guys do the same thing; but this is not about guys as I could care less what they are doing. Please explain to me why this is? Ok, ok so its online dating in the first place, but I mean if this is how we have chosen to look for a mate, isn’t the first impression the best. My challenge to you women who choose this form of dating, please post clear recent pictures of yourself!!

You might call me shallow, because this is merely a petty issue, but listen up. You except only the best in return so please don’t go hiding the fact that you don’t like yourself or your looks by posting shoty pics. By no means am I perfect, I am far from it, but what you will get is the brutal honesty. I am tired of being the nice guy… so until next time enjoy & please comment if you dare ;)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Because I just wanna

Well it's official I am moving into the 21st century, been doing facebook for the better part of five years now and just this year I decided to do twitter! Look at me evolution is making strides! Last year I decided to dump that dirty myspace habit. So now onto blogging!! The few friends that have suggested this will be proud :) I hope they enjoy reading some of just the crazy shit that will come out of my brain and onto the world wide web, haaaaa Everyone you have to be patient as this is a work in progress and hopefully will become something that more and more people will get good laughs from, learn the brutal honesty how I see it or just some good pieces of advice!! 

Until next time... happy hunting out there!!